Joining requires that a man of his own free will seek membership. A Texas Mason should never invite you to join. Every lodge has its own process, but ours is as follows:
We ask that you visit on a regular basis for a few months. This will give you the opportunity to get to know us while we can get to know you. After visiting regularly, you can submit a petition with the Lodge. Petitions to join the lodge are never given to someone on their first visit, the second visit, or the third visit. Patience is key.
Turn in your completed petition to the lodge. Your petition will be received by the lodge and will be read during a stated meeting.
Three members of the lodge will be assigned to interview you and investigate your background. They may ask to meet with you at your home. Honesty is important with questions that may be asked you.
The investigators will report at the next stated meeting and a vote will be taken among the members present.
Soon after the stated meeting, a member from the lodge should contact you with the outcome of the ballot and provide you with additional instructions.
This video, provided by the YouTube Channel Masonic Improvement, gives additional details on the process of becoming a Mason.